Small Blessings (Hebrews 6:10)

Even a small act of service can have a lasting impact. Learn more in this weekly edition of Recharge Video.


Help Your City (Psalm 107:4, 6)

Whether we live inside a city or out, there seems to be no place that is totally safe. What can we do to make the places we live truly better? Find out more in this weekly edition of Recharge Video.


The Backside of the Desert

online sermons

Exodus 3:1

We learn the differences between our own view of our usefulness and God’s view of our usefulness.



Study Notes

More from this Series

The Owl and the Pelican (Psalm 102:6)

Recharge Video

Two very different birds connect to those moments when we feel alone and away. However, the Scriptures also show us how to live in joy and confidence. Take a couple of minutes and discover life the way God intended it to be, in this weekly edition of Recharge Video.


Faith Testing Moments

online sermons

I had the privilege of sharing with the folks at Lewis Memorial Baptist Church.  and their television program The Daily Walk.


To watch the entire broadcast use the video below – you will enjoy the worship as well as the Word.

Storm Tested Faith

online sermons

(1 Samuel 7:2-13)

In our most frightful moments God will show up if we set our hearts on Him. As Israel is preparing to reaffirm their faithfulness to God an unexpected threat approaches and they, as we do, we faced with a decision to follow God or go another way.  Learn more in this study from God’s Word.


Study Notes
Audio Version
Series Introduction/Archive on

A Stubborn Man and Six Million Frogs

online sermons

Exodus 8:1-15

In this study Pastor Waggoner delves into what happens when stubbornness gets the best of us and what we can do to avoid this trouble.

Audio Version
Introduction/Archive on

Is it worth it?

Recharge Video

(Hebrews 11:5)

Often life doesn’t seem to return the reward we expect, but God gives you a promise of reward  if you follow His way. Learn more in this Recharge Video.


A Sweet Aroma (2 Cor. 2:14-15)

The Bible tells us how we can stir the air around us and be a blessing to others. Learn more in this Recharge Video.


Yes, He knows (2 Timothy 2:19)

Is it a comforting thought that God know everything and God knows you? Find out how others can know Him through you in this Recharge Video
