Strange and Bizarre Stories from the Bible

I have written a book – “Strange and Bizarre Stories from the Bible” and it is available in print form on Amazon, the Kindle version will be released on 5/5/16 you can preorder it now.

Here is a brief summary:

Anyone who advances beyond the standard, told-in-Sunday-school stories from the Bible will find that the all-time best seller has a number of oddities. In fact, even the standards are a bit wild if you think about it: A man getting swallowed by a fish and living to tell about it, men being unharmed inside a fiery furnace, God commanding Abraham to kill his son, and David bringing down a giant with one shot.

For many, the unusual claims of the Bible serve as ammunition to challenge the credibility of its content. But there is another way to look at these odd, even mind-boggling portions of Scripture. They provide a means for God to get vitally important messages through to us. Perhaps it takes a dose of the strange and bizarre to get our attention.

The author has been a pastor and Bible teacher for more than 30 years, and now in “Strange and Bizarre Stories from the Bible” he tackles these seemingly strange stories and powerfully presents them to the skeptic and the believer alike.

Thank all of you for your encouragement.

To learn more or order please use this link

Trouble Getting E-Mail


We have recently discovered that many of you have not been getting Recharge Videos via e-mail. We have discovered the cause of this error and regret that these have not been getting through. All has been fixed and things should be back to normal. Our apologies for this problem. If you would like to catch up on those episodes you have missed they are all view-able on the WaggonerMedia Blog.

Thanks as always for your support of this ministry!  May our God richly bless you.

Make the Most of Today -Video Series


A new video series has gone online – taken from the Archives of Recharge Video. In this video teaching series I will show you how you can make the most of today.  Life is too short to waste even a single day and the scriptures show us how we should view and treat this day to make it what God meant it to be for us.  So take a few moments and be encouraged as you make the most of today.

To access the entire series go to the Mt Calvary Website


Recharge Video Update


Hi All:

I just want to give you a quick update on things…

  1.  Summer break has started and for the next 3 weeks there will be no new Recharge Video episodes, new episodes begin in August – be watching.
  2. In the mean time you can watch previous episodes here
  3. Since September of 2013 I have created 89 episodes of Recharge Video.  Thank you for your comments, encouragement and support.  Please continue to share with others so that we can grow our audience and share the encouragement.
  4. In case you are wondering here is how this ministry operates.   Everything you see online is created by our staff of one (me) and we have a yearly budget of $0 – in the future I hope to buy advertising to help get the word out but for now your sharing this ministry with others is the only way to move forward so please help as you can.
  5. Be blessed and I look forward to being back with new Recharge Videos very soon.

Direct Access to SD and HD videos



After listening to feedback from many of you and knowing that these videos are viewed on everything from cell-phones to tablets to desktop computers we have discovered that we need to make both Standard Quality and High Quality versions of each episode of Recharge Video. Each new release will have a link to watch the video in your preferred quality. If you are having trouble with stops and starts please try the SD version, if you would like the best possible video quality use the HD version.

Here is a sample: Standard Definition Video or High Definition Video

As always, thank you for your continued support of this ministry.

Android Phone issue fixed

The recent issues that have occurred with Recharge Videos failing to play in Android Phones has been corrected. All previous episodes should now play correctly. So sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for your continued support for this ministry.

Radio Program begins fourth year


In addition to the teaching podcast on Recharge Video I have had the privilege of being involved in radio ministry for a number years.  My current program is a ministry of Mt. Calvary Baptist Church.

Sunday begins my fourth year of broadcasting practical Bible teaching on the radio via WCHS 58AM. The program is heard across most of West Virginia and around the world via internet streaming. Be praying for the Word to touch the hearts of listeners.

You can hear Sunday’s broadcast here:

New Promo Video

This video is the promo video used on the website of  Recharge Video – It gives a little of the background and purpose of Recharge Video as well as ways the videos can be accessed and shared.




Countdown underway


The “official” launch date for REcharge video is Sept. 3, 2013.  At that time “Likes” and “Follows” will be solicited via Facebook and Twitter and other existing means of distribution will begin as will a regular schedule of new video episodes.  So stand by for some encouragement.