Does Prayer Work? (Acts 10:4)

Does prayer really work, or it just a waste of time? In this Recharge Video Jesse Waggoner gives you the answer from the account of a Roman soldier as found in Acts 10:4. Be encouraged in you prayer life.


4 Reasons to Trust God

In this Recharge Video from Living the Word Today, Jesse Waggoner takes us to Psalm 56:3 and reminds us of four powerful reasons to replace our fears with trust in God.

Are you living in the moment


We sometimes are so focused on the past and the future that we are not really living in the present.  Find out how you can truly live in the moment in this episode of Recharge Video from Living the Word Today

Your 584 Million Mile New Years Check Up

In this look at 1 Thess. 5:23-24 you will find the one thing that doesn’t change in our relationship to God. Likes, comments and Shares appreciated

A Merry Covid Christmas (1 John 4:9)


In a season when everything has changed it is refreshing to think about something that never changes.  Learn more in this Recharge Video from Living the Word Today.