Family Matters – Series

Beginning Sept. 16 and concluding Oct. 14, 2018 the Family Matters series will take you into the Word of God to discover God’s blueprint for the family.  During these four weeks I will be teaching each Sunday and you will have the opportunity to participate through devotionals, personal study sheets, and more.  So get ready to dive deep into how and why Family Matters!

Each day I  will share a brief video to encourage you in your walk with God.  You will be able see them all here on Recharge Video.

You can learn more on the Mt. Calvary Family Matters Page
Go here to download Daily Devotional Guide

Video preview of Family Matters


Lost Episode

While recently renovating this website I discovered a Recharge Video Episode that had never been published.  It was produced in October of 2013 and I am not sure why it got overlooked.  So here it is five years later – you will note the production values are bit different than more recent episodes but here it is.

No Secrets (2 Peter 1:20)


Dancing in the Rain (Romans 8:37)

Depending on your perspective you can either complain about the storm or take off your shoes and dance in the rain. Learn more in this weekly Recharge Video. Please Share!


The Game of Life (Proverb 30:8-9)

Recharge Video

What does it take to “win at the game of life?” It may be different that most people think. Learn more in this weekly Recharge Video. Please Share!



Leader Resources

Jesse Waggoner

Thank you for leading a small group study or participating in our online Bible study. Below you will find some additional suggestions and links that may be helpful.

In the main page for this series you will find links to the discussion guides for each session. Make sure each member of your group has his or her own copy.

You will also find links to an introductory video for each session. Please show these to your group at the beginning of each session. You can play these mp4 video files from a computer, laptop, or tablet. Hooking your device to a large screen monitor also works well for these videos.

Also you will find links to audio recordings. These were recorded while I led a “small group” through this study. Perhaps by listening to this audio you may pick up some additional ideas for your own group. I do not recommend that you play these live audio recordings to your group.

I know your time in the Word will be a blessing to you. I would love to hear about your study or your group. Write me at

Jesse Waggoner
Senior Pastor

Winning the Game of Life

Free Online Bible Study

Ask ten people what life is all about and you will likely get eleven answers! But God is the authoritative source for all things including us. In this Bible study you will discover what life is all about and the emptiness of living for the wrong goals. Here you will find links to videos to introduce each session, study guides and more. I know you will be blessed as find out how to win in the “game of life.”

For each session you will find, an introductory video, an audio recording of me teaching this material in a live setting and a downloadable discussion guide for use in your small group or individual Bible study.  Go here for additional information and leader Resources for Online Bible study.

Jesse Waggoner
Senior Pastor

For the complete series go to Winning the Game of Life

Don’t Settle for Supplements (1 Cor. 11:18)

We would not stand for allowing supplements to replace our meals and neither should we with our Spiritual diet, learn more in this weekly Recharge Video. Please Share!


Confidence: Know it, Get it, Live it

Here is the introduction to my new Bible Study series, study of Scriptures that tell us how we can know, get and live in confidence. We can set aside our fears and insecurities by claiming the promises that come through our relationship with Jesus Christ. So, join us at either our 9:00 am or our 11:00 am Sunday worship service as together we grow in confidence


I Am the Door (John 10:9)

God has prepared an entrance for you. Learn more in this weekly edition of Recharge Video. Please Share!
