The Humor Reel

Here is a collection of stories, jokes, observations and confessions to give you a laugh. These were collected from various sermons over the last three years – enjoy!  Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine

The Source of True Love (1 John 4:7)

Were do we go to find the meaning of “True Love?” In this Recharge Video episode you will find the answer. Learn more by watching this episode of Recharge Video.


A Christian’s Daily Affirmation

In this “Special Edition” Recharge Video – I share with you a daily affirmation that may be used by you to encourage yourself daily as you remind yourself who you are in Christ.“Likes” and “Shares” and “comments” appreciated.


Christmas Promise (Luke 1:46-48)

By going back to the beginning of Christmas we discover how much we are loved by our Lord.. Learn more by watching this episode of Recharge Video. “Likes” and “Shares” and “comments” appreciated.


The Beginning of Christmas (Isaiah 49:5)

By going back to the beginning of Christmas we discover how much we are loved by our Lord.. Learn more by watching this episode of Recharge Video. “Likes” and “Shares” and “comments” appreciated.


Turn Your Thanksgiving Upside Down (1 Thess. 5:18)

We can give thanks in ways we seldom do if we follow this simple plan. Learn more by watching this episode of Recharge Video. “Likes” and “Shares” and “comments” appreciated.


Will you please slow down? (Psalm 119:15)

Some times a slow down, planned or otherwise can be a means to meditate on the place of God in our lives. Learn more by watching this episode of Recharge Video. “Likes” and “Shares” and “comments” appreciated.
